Reference project Purzien


Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

  • 4 units
  • Enercon E-48
  • 3.20 MW Total Capacity
  • Commissioning 2007
  • Project Development, Operation Management

The four wind turbines of Purzien windfarm were put into operation in December 2007. They provide environmentally friendly energy to supply about 1,800 households.

Compensatory measures: Reforestation

The diversified mixture of different types of woods characterises the “Haidewiesen” area. By reforesting an area that was formerly intensively used, the ecologic balance such as the natural scenery could benefit greatly. As an example, a retreat for ground-breeding birds and a foraging area for visitors like cranes and white storks was created. The plantings harmonically fit into the existing scenery of changeful woodlands.

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