Public display begins: Our planning documents are available in the municipalities and at the district office
Topical / 20.01.2022
From 24 January to 24 February 2022, anyone interested can visit!
On the way to obtaining the permit under immission control law for our Elster Repowering wind farm, we are now entering the public interpretation phase. This will be carried out by the Environmental and Waste Management Department, the lower immission control authority of the district of Wittenberg.
The application documents will be available for inspection from 24 January to 24 February 2022 in the municipalities of Jessen (Elster) and Zahna-Elster as well as in the district. The documents can also be viewed online on the EIA portal at and on the district’s website at
In addition to the application for approval, the documents include the following::
- Environmental impact assessment (EIA report),
- Acoustic report,
- Shadow flicker forecast,
- Expert opinion on ice detection system,
- Landscape conservation plan (LBP),
- FFH/SPA impact assessment,
- Technical contribution on species protection,
- Faunistic expert opinion,
- Land use analysis,
- Eyrie mapping with focus on red kite with consideration of other wind-sensitive bird species,
- Survey of sand lizards, amphibians and bats,
- Recording of avifauna.
Please note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, inspection is only possible by appointment and during office hours.
Objections can be submitted to the municipalities and the district of Wittenberg, Fachdienst Umwelt und Abfallwirtschaft until 24 March 2022. This can be done in writing or by email.
For your information, the 9/2021 issue of the newsletter of the town of Zahna-Elster and the December issue of the newsletter of the town of Jessen are available here as PDF files at:
There you will also find information about the procedure and other organisational details.

Metre upon metre of files of documents for the approval and interpretation of the information on the Elster Repowering wind farm.
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