Reference project Wipperdorf


Thuringia, Germany

  • 6 units
  • Nordex N117
  • 14.4 MW Total Capacity
  • Commissioning 2017
  • Project Development, Operation Management

In the heart of Thuringia

Since March 2017, seven new wind turbines have been producing green energy in the small town of Wipperdorf, which is located near Nordhausen. So far, Wipperdorf windfarm is VSB’s second project to be finished in Thuringia. The turbines generate green energy equivalent to the amount of about 14,000 households’ annual consumption.

Energy generation in harmony with nature

As a part of the compensatory measures, former agricultural crop land was turned into speciose meadows. Thus, some formerly impervious surfaces were also revegetated with domestic plants.

At the foot of the Galgenberg, a biotope of stepping stones was installed, which serves as a biologically precious living space for amphibians and insects. To allow biodiversity to unfold on the new meadows, hedges and plantings, the spaces are looked after for the subsequent years.

Experiencing renewable energies: Educational project in the district of Nordhausen

Pupils of primary schools in surrounding area of the windfarm had the chance to gain some firsthand experience. Working together with the Horizont e.V., VSB initiated the educational project “Experiencing renewable energies”. With astonishing classroom experiments and an eventful trip to the windfarm, the children got some valuable insights into a sustainable and climate-friendly energy future.

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