Our philosophy

Our purpose!

« Acting for a sustainable, responsible and accessible energy future »

At VSB, we want to create a sustainable ecosystem for all the actors of the energy transition, to make territories the actors of their energy model by allowing them to rely on our technical and innovative expertise, and to show our willingness to anticipate technological, digital and societal changes.

 What drives us to bring you the best of ourselves!

  • Conviviality
  • Sustainability
  • Team spirit
  • Responsibility/ autonomy
  • Ambition / Conquest
  • Honesty

Economic and social responsibility :

Our commitments!

VSB énergies nouvelles is also a company committed to the economic sector of renewable energies. As a producer of green energy and an independent player in the sector, VSB is supporting the energy transition in France and is taking positive action to develop wind farms, photovoltaic and hydroelectric power plantson its territory, in partnership with the inter-professional unions and clusters in the sector.

VSB énergies nouvelles is a partner and signatory with the following organizations:


Construction sites that are more respectful of the environment!

 Since 2018, VSB énergies nouvelles has been a signatory to the «Green Building Sites» Charter, which commits the company to strict respect for the environment in the deployment of its work. VSB énergies nouvelles demonstrated this commitment in December 2019 at the regional level in Occitania by signing the «Charter of Good Practices for the Preservation of Biodiversity» of the cluster CEMATER.

To find out more about these charters (french contents):

A company committed to charity!

VSB énergies nouvelles is proudly committed to Synergie Solaire to provide financial and technical support to a number of selected NGOs that carry out energy access charity projects around the world. Synergie Solaire centralizes funds but also the skills of companies in the renewable energy industry to contribute to a better world for people and the planet.

For 2021, all VSB collaborators have chosen to support the "From Waste to Light" project, which will equip 650 children with individual solar lamps and support a sorting and recycling program in Togo.

For 2020, our collaborators had chosen to allocate the entire sponsorship to the solar electrification project for the collective services of the village of Kambaco in Guinea-Conakry. 

2020 - Guinée-Conakry

2021 - Togo

energy for you