Puutionsaari, Haapavesi

Current information about Puutionsaari Wind farm

Project area of Puutionsaari wind farm is located in Northern Ostrobothnia, in the municipality of Haapavesi. It is situated around eleven kilometres to west from the centre of Haapavesi. Wind farm is planned in approximately 3300 hectares area pointed in Northern Ostrobothnia’s 3rd phase regional land use plan.

Project area consists of at most 49 wind turbines with total generation capacity of at least 300 MW. It is planned to use Fingrid’s Uusnivala substation as a grid connection point. Electricity transmission is being planned in collaboration with OX2.

The environmental impact assessment report for the Puutionsaari wind power project has been supplemented with regard to electricity transmission in 2022. The general planning of the power line was completed in 2023.

The project has utilized the joint procedure of the wind power master plan and environmental impact assessment (EIA). The Puutionsaari master plan was approved in February 2021. The plan is not yet legally binding.

In addition to wind power, a solar power production is planned for the project area. The preliminary size of the solar farm is about 160 hectares, and the farm's capacity is approximately 100 MWp.


Project information

Commencement of construction 2025-
Commencement of production 2028-2029
Quantity of turbines 49
Total Capacity Minimum of 300 MW
Total Capacity of the solar farm Approx. 100 MWp

Time schedule

2016 Commencement of wind farm planning
2016 Zoning agreement with municipality of Haapavesi
2017 Nature and environmental surveys
2018 Approval of Northern Ostrobothnia’s 3rd phase regional land use plan
2019 Nature and environmental surveys
2019–2021 Local master plan and environmental impact assessment (EIA)
2021–2023 Transmission line general design and environmental impact assessment (EIA)
2024 Building permits
2025 Commencement of construction
2028-2029 Commercial commissioning of wind farm


VSB Gruppe - Puutionsaari Finnland

Further information

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