Karahka, Oulainen
Current information about Karahka Wind farm
Project area of Karahka wind farm is located in Northern Ostrobothnia, in the municipality of Oulainen. Site is situated around five kilometres to north from the centre of Oulainen. Wind farm is planned in approximately 2300 hectares area pointed in Northern Ostrobothnia’s 3rd phase regional land use plan.
Project area consists of at most 25 wind turbines with total generation capacity of about 147,5 MW. It is planned to use Fingrid’s Keskikylä / Valkeus substation as a grid connection point.
Wind power local master plan and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be executed as a joint procedure. The local master plan and building permits gained legal force in January 2022.
Project information
Time schedule
2016 | Commencement of wind farm planning |
2016-2017 | Nature and environmental surveys |
2017 | Zoning agreement with municipality of Oulainen |
2018 | Approval of Northern Ostrobothnia’s 3rd phase regional land use plan |
2019-2021 | Local master plan and environmental impact assessment (EIA) |
2022 | Building permits |
2022 | Commencement of construction |
2024 | Commercial commissioning of wind farm |