Outojänkä, Tervola

Current information about Outojänkä Wind farm

Project area of Outojänkä wind farm is located in the municipality of Tervola. Wind farm is planned in approximately 5700 hectares area on the north side of Loue village.

Project area consists of 20-30 wind turbines with total generation capacity of 160-240 MW. 

Wind power local master plan and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be executed as a joint procedure.


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Project information

Commencement of construction 2027
Commencement of production approximately in 2029
Quantity of turbines 20–30
Total Capacity 160–240 MW

Time schedule

2020 Commencement of wind farm planning
2021 Zoning agreement with municipality of Tervola
2022 Nature and environmental surveys
2022–2025 Local master plan and environmental impact assessment (EIA)
2025–2026 Building permits
2027 Commencement of construction
2029 Commercial commissioning of wind farm


VSB Gruppe - Outojänkä, Tervola - Finnland
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